The Harrington Jacket - image by Mark Head.
Ryan O'Neal as the character Rodney Harrington in the American tv show
Peyton Place. with the character Betty Anderson played by Barbara Parkins.

Brooks Brothers Madras shirt. Read the history of the button down collar shirt in The Desired Article A Concise Look At Style...

Cinch back Chino's by Mark Head

HW Carter & Sons Phigvel Makers Co. J.Press
Cinch back Chinos

A series of images used by Heritage Brands Inc in their London showroom. Pictures taken by Simon Parr.

Paul Stafford, Stylist and man of taste who wrote the Afterword for The Desired Article

The history of both Rollnecks and Pea Coats feature in the book...

Read about Chambray shirts...

Hardy Amies for Hepworth’s in the 1960s...

Take Ivy short film full of inspirational items of clothing.

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